Mail2web is an e-mail retrieval service "from any computer anywhere in the world" started in 1997 by SoftCom Technology Consulting Inc., a private company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was conceptualized and developed by Tony Yustein, first CEO and cofounder of the company. The service functions as an email application, such as Mozilla Thunderbird or Microsoft Outlook, but from a web interface. Mail2web provides other paid Microsoft Exchange services, some of which have BlackBerry support.

Mail2web is an e-mail retrieval service "from any computer anywhere in the world" started in 1997 by SoftCom Technology Consulting Inc., a private company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was conceptualized and developed by Tony Yustein, first CEO and cofounder of the company. The service functions as an email application, such as Mozilla Thunderbird or Microsoft Outlook, but from a web interface. Mail2web provides other paid Microsoft Exchange services, some of which have BlackBerry support.