Managers in Partnership

Managers in Partnership is a British Trades Union for healthcare managers. It was launched in 2005 as a joint venture by UNISON, the largest public service union, and FDA, the specialist management union. One of the main issues it faces is the poor image of NHS managers. There were also problems with NHS managers being in the same union, the FDA, as their bosses in Whitehall. The union does not have any branches, and it does not negotiate collectively. Its chief function is to provide support and protection for individual managers.

Managers in Partnership

Managers in Partnership is a British Trades Union for healthcare managers. It was launched in 2005 as a joint venture by UNISON, the largest public service union, and FDA, the specialist management union. One of the main issues it faces is the poor image of NHS managers. There were also problems with NHS managers being in the same union, the FDA, as their bosses in Whitehall. The union does not have any branches, and it does not negotiate collectively. Its chief function is to provide support and protection for individual managers.