Manarcad Church

Manarcad Marth Maryam Cathedral (St. Mary's Cathedral), is a Syrian Orthodox church located about 9 km from the town of Kottayam in Kerala, India and a destination for people on annual pilgrimages seeking the blessings of the Virgin Mary. During his 2004 apostolic visit, Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas elevated this church to the status of Cathedral and Universal Marian Pilgrim Centre. There are more than 2000 families in this parish and it is one of the largest Christian parishes in Kerala.

Manarcad Church

Manarcad Marth Maryam Cathedral (St. Mary's Cathedral), is a Syrian Orthodox church located about 9 km from the town of Kottayam in Kerala, India and a destination for people on annual pilgrimages seeking the blessings of the Virgin Mary. During his 2004 apostolic visit, Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas elevated this church to the status of Cathedral and Universal Marian Pilgrim Centre. There are more than 2000 families in this parish and it is one of the largest Christian parishes in Kerala.