Manor Hospital

The first of the Epsom Cluster to open on the Horton Manor estate, the Manor Hospital was developed around the existing Horton Manor House in 1896-99 to the design of William C. Clifford-Smith, Architect to the London County Council The redbrick manor house was used for the administration offices, with similarly styled buildings built for staff quarters. The storerooms, kitchens and laundry were also built from red brick, with curved gables and slate roofs. Porter's lodges were built at the entrances on Horton Lane and Christchurch Road.

Manor Hospital

The first of the Epsom Cluster to open on the Horton Manor estate, the Manor Hospital was developed around the existing Horton Manor House in 1896-99 to the design of William C. Clifford-Smith, Architect to the London County Council The redbrick manor house was used for the administration offices, with similarly styled buildings built for staff quarters. The storerooms, kitchens and laundry were also built from red brick, with curved gables and slate roofs. Porter's lodges were built at the entrances on Horton Lane and Christchurch Road.