
Ōbaku-san Manpuku-ji (黄檗山萬福寺 Manpuku Temple on Mt. Ōbaku) is a temple located in Uji, Kyoto. It is the head temple of the Japanese Ōbaku Zen sect, named after Wanfu Temple in Fujian, China. The mountain is likewise named after Mount Huangbo, where the Chinese temple is situated.


Ōbaku-san Manpuku-ji (黄檗山萬福寺 Manpuku Temple on Mt. Ōbaku) is a temple located in Uji, Kyoto. It is the head temple of the Japanese Ōbaku Zen sect, named after Wanfu Temple in Fujian, China. The mountain is likewise named after Mount Huangbo, where the Chinese temple is situated.