Mapleshade Records

Mapleshade Records is a jazz record company and label founded by Pierre Sprey in Upper Marlboro, Maryland in 1990. Mapleshade's catalogue includes Bobby Battle, Gary Bartz, Walter Davis, Clifford Jordan, Frank Kimbrough, and Norris Turney. Sprey, an engineer, built his equipment and has a recording studio in his house. At one time, Hamiet Bluiett and Larry Willis were artists and repertoire (A&R) men for the company. Both have albums on the label. A sister label, Wildchild Records, was founded in 1995. In later years the label branched into R&B and blues.

Mapleshade Records

Mapleshade Records is a jazz record company and label founded by Pierre Sprey in Upper Marlboro, Maryland in 1990. Mapleshade's catalogue includes Bobby Battle, Gary Bartz, Walter Davis, Clifford Jordan, Frank Kimbrough, and Norris Turney. Sprey, an engineer, built his equipment and has a recording studio in his house. At one time, Hamiet Bluiett and Larry Willis were artists and repertoire (A&R) men for the company. Both have albums on the label. A sister label, Wildchild Records, was founded in 1995. In later years the label branched into R&B and blues.