Maritime pilot

A pilot, also referred to as "Marine Pilot" or "Maritime Pilot" is a mariner who manoeuvres ships through dangerous or congested waters, such as harbors or river mouths. He / She is normally an ex ship captain and a highly experienced shiphandler who possess detailed knowledge of the particular waterway e.g. actual depth, direction and strength of the wind, current and tide at any time of the day. Most ports have compulsory pilotage.

Maritime pilot

A pilot, also referred to as "Marine Pilot" or "Maritime Pilot" is a mariner who manoeuvres ships through dangerous or congested waters, such as harbors or river mouths. He / She is normally an ex ship captain and a highly experienced shiphandler who possess detailed knowledge of the particular waterway e.g. actual depth, direction and strength of the wind, current and tide at any time of the day. Most ports have compulsory pilotage.