Martin University

Martin University in Indianapolis, Indiana, was founded by Rev. Father Boniface Hardin and Sister Jane Schilling in 1977. The University's original mission to serve low-income, minority, and adult learners has not changed, although students from all backgrounds have always been welcome. Martin University employs a learning method known as andragogy, as opposed to pedagogy, where it involves adult learners in the learning process, encouraging them to bring their life and work experiences into classroom discussions.

Martin University

Martin University in Indianapolis, Indiana, was founded by Rev. Father Boniface Hardin and Sister Jane Schilling in 1977. The University's original mission to serve low-income, minority, and adult learners has not changed, although students from all backgrounds have always been welcome. Martin University employs a learning method known as andragogy, as opposed to pedagogy, where it involves adult learners in the learning process, encouraging them to bring their life and work experiences into classroom discussions.