Massachusetts Republican Party

The Massachusetts Republican Party is the Massachusetts branch of the United States Republican Party. Governance of the party takes the form of a State Committee which, in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 52, consists of one man and one woman from each of the 40 Senate Districts of the Commonwealth, who are elected at the quadrennial election of Electors for President of the U.S. (commonly called the "Presidential Primary"). Committee officers are elected by the State Committee.

Massachusetts Republican Party

The Massachusetts Republican Party is the Massachusetts branch of the United States Republican Party. Governance of the party takes the form of a State Committee which, in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 52, consists of one man and one woman from each of the 40 Senate Districts of the Commonwealth, who are elected at the quadrennial election of Electors for President of the U.S. (commonly called the "Presidential Primary"). Committee officers are elected by the State Committee.