McMaster University Security Service

McMaster University Security Service employs Special Constables in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Special Constables are not police officers as stated in section 53 of the Police Services Act of Ontario. However Special Constables do hold the authority of a police officer when working within their approved area or boundaries. The department also employs a number of civilians including dispatchers and administrative support personnel. In the spring of 2005, McMaster Security (Special Constable) Services merged with the Parking Services Department to streamline costs.

McMaster University Security Service

McMaster University Security Service employs Special Constables in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Special Constables are not police officers as stated in section 53 of the Police Services Act of Ontario. However Special Constables do hold the authority of a police officer when working within their approved area or boundaries. The department also employs a number of civilians including dispatchers and administrative support personnel. In the spring of 2005, McMaster Security (Special Constable) Services merged with the Parking Services Department to streamline costs.