Media of Mauritania

The media of Mauritania is undergoing a shift into a freer journalistic environment, while becoming increasingly open to private sector. Journalists are experiencing a period of relative freedom following the coup of 2005, which ended a military dictatorship. The laws governing media are the most liberal in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. As of 2010, Reporters Without Borders ranked Mauritania 99 out of 178 in its worldwide index of press freedom.

Media of Mauritania

The media of Mauritania is undergoing a shift into a freer journalistic environment, while becoming increasingly open to private sector. Journalists are experiencing a period of relative freedom following the coup of 2005, which ended a military dictatorship. The laws governing media are the most liberal in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. As of 2010, Reporters Without Borders ranked Mauritania 99 out of 178 in its worldwide index of press freedom.