
Medialaan is a Flemish company in Belgium, best known as parent company of the first Flemish commercial television station: VTM. Medialaan was founded in 1987 as Vlaamse Televisie Maatschappij by nine Flemish newspaper and magazine publishers, each with an 11.1% share, Perexma, Roularta, TVV, IUM, Almaspar, De Vlijt, Hoste, Concentra, and Drukkerij Het Volk. Several TV and radio sister stations, generally targeting a more specific segment of the Flemish audience (such as youth), have been added. Since 1998, De Persgroep and the Roularta Media Group each have a 50% share of the company. On 31 May 1999 the name was changed to Vlaamse Media Maatschappij (VMMa) (English: Flemish Media Company), and in February 2014 the name was again changed to Medialaan (meaning 'media lane'), reflecting the


Medialaan is a Flemish company in Belgium, best known as parent company of the first Flemish commercial television station: VTM. Medialaan was founded in 1987 as Vlaamse Televisie Maatschappij by nine Flemish newspaper and magazine publishers, each with an 11.1% share, Perexma, Roularta, TVV, IUM, Almaspar, De Vlijt, Hoste, Concentra, and Drukkerij Het Volk. Several TV and radio sister stations, generally targeting a more specific segment of the Flemish audience (such as youth), have been added. Since 1998, De Persgroep and the Roularta Media Group each have a 50% share of the company. On 31 May 1999 the name was changed to Vlaamse Media Maatschappij (VMMa) (English: Flemish Media Company), and in February 2014 the name was again changed to Medialaan (meaning 'media lane'), reflecting the