Men & Motors

Men & Motors was a men's lifestyle television channel in the UK. It was the last remaining station operated by the former Granada Sky Broadcasting joint venture, set up by Granada Television (now part of ITV plc) and satellite broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting in 1996. Although ITV plc is now the sole owner of GSB (since renamed ITV Digital Channels Limited), Sky will receive 49.5 per cent of any proceeds (net of liabilities) if Men & Motors is sold.

Men & Motors

Men & Motors was a men's lifestyle television channel in the UK. It was the last remaining station operated by the former Granada Sky Broadcasting joint venture, set up by Granada Television (now part of ITV plc) and satellite broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting in 1996. Although ITV plc is now the sole owner of GSB (since renamed ITV Digital Channels Limited), Sky will receive 49.5 per cent of any proceeds (net of liabilities) if Men & Motors is sold.