Mercer's tusked silverside

Mercer's tusked silverside (Dentatherina merceri) is a species of fish. Mercer's tusked silverside originates from the west-central Pacific. It is found from the Philippines to north-eastern Australia and from Moluccas to the Trobriand Islands. It is found close in shore around islands and over coral reefs. Except for larval biology, little is known about this species. It may be taken as food by some commercially important species.

Mercer's tusked silverside

Mercer's tusked silverside (Dentatherina merceri) is a species of fish. Mercer's tusked silverside originates from the west-central Pacific. It is found from the Philippines to north-eastern Australia and from Moluccas to the Trobriand Islands. It is found close in shore around islands and over coral reefs. Except for larval biology, little is known about this species. It may be taken as food by some commercially important species.