Mga Anak-Bukid

Mga Anak-Bukid (literally "Children of the Farmlands", the title can be translated simply as "The Farmlanders") is a 1911 Tagalog-language novel written by Filipino novelist Rosauro C. Almario. Published by the Limbagang Cultura Filipina in Manila, Philippines, the novel narrates how the Filipinos who became the so-called pensionados undermined the traditional values and mores in the Philippines, including the people who acted as supporters and upholders of those conventional customs and norms.

Mga Anak-Bukid

Mga Anak-Bukid (literally "Children of the Farmlands", the title can be translated simply as "The Farmlanders") is a 1911 Tagalog-language novel written by Filipino novelist Rosauro C. Almario. Published by the Limbagang Cultura Filipina in Manila, Philippines, the novel narrates how the Filipinos who became the so-called pensionados undermined the traditional values and mores in the Philippines, including the people who acted as supporters and upholders of those conventional customs and norms.