Miliangos v George Frank Ltd

Miliangos v George Frank Ltd, [1976] AC 443 is a leading decision of the House of Lords enforcement of debts. The case created the Miliangos rule that allows creditors under a contract to obtain judgment under a foreign currency. The Lords stated that the date of payment would be the date of conversion to the foreign currency. The case also represents a rare occasion where the Lords overturned previous precedent which has held that all debts were to be paid in sterling.

Miliangos v George Frank Ltd

Miliangos v George Frank Ltd, [1976] AC 443 is a leading decision of the House of Lords enforcement of debts. The case created the Miliangos rule that allows creditors under a contract to obtain judgment under a foreign currency. The Lords stated that the date of payment would be the date of conversion to the foreign currency. The case also represents a rare occasion where the Lords overturned previous precedent which has held that all debts were to be paid in sterling.