Ministry of Agriculture (West Bengal)

The Ministry of Agriculture of West Bengal is a Bengal government ministry. It is a ministry mainly responsible for the activities relating to policy decisions on agricultural production and productivity, and its extension through technology generation, transfer of technology, ensuring availability and timely distribution of agriculture inputs specially seeds, fertilisers, subsidy, credit etc. along with support service through soil testing, soil conservations, water conservations, Seed testing, seed certification, plan production, Quality control of fertilisers and pesticides etc.Main stake holders for the Department are--(i) Farmers (ii) Government (iii) Manufacturer, dealers and retailers of Fertiliser , Seed and Pesticide (iv) Citizens in General.

Ministry of Agriculture (West Bengal)

The Ministry of Agriculture of West Bengal is a Bengal government ministry. It is a ministry mainly responsible for the activities relating to policy decisions on agricultural production and productivity, and its extension through technology generation, transfer of technology, ensuring availability and timely distribution of agriculture inputs specially seeds, fertilisers, subsidy, credit etc. along with support service through soil testing, soil conservations, water conservations, Seed testing, seed certification, plan production, Quality control of fertilisers and pesticides etc.Main stake holders for the Department are--(i) Farmers (ii) Government (iii) Manufacturer, dealers and retailers of Fertiliser , Seed and Pesticide (iv) Citizens in General.