Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes

Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes is a VeggieTales video game which started the Minnesota franchise. Tim Hodge, writer of the first Minnesota Cuke episodes, doesn't consider the video game canon. In the plot of the game, Minnesota Cuke crashes his plane into jungle. Then he discovers that a priceless artifact, the Crock of Hookie Balookie, has fallen out of the plane and stolen from where it dropped.The game starts in the jungle,leading to a village.Throughout the game,you play Minnesota,as he defeats natives and Coconut Apes in a Super Mario/Donkey Kong fashion.Which leads Minnesota to a final showdown with Jungle Jimmy,the final antagonist.The video game has a lesson in Stealing.

Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes

Minnesota Cuke and the Coconut Apes is a VeggieTales video game which started the Minnesota franchise. Tim Hodge, writer of the first Minnesota Cuke episodes, doesn't consider the video game canon. In the plot of the game, Minnesota Cuke crashes his plane into jungle. Then he discovers that a priceless artifact, the Crock of Hookie Balookie, has fallen out of the plane and stolen from where it dropped.The game starts in the jungle,leading to a village.Throughout the game,you play Minnesota,as he defeats natives and Coconut Apes in a Super Mario/Donkey Kong fashion.Which leads Minnesota to a final showdown with Jungle Jimmy,the final antagonist.The video game has a lesson in Stealing.