Mir Jafar Dasni

Mir Jafar bin Mir Hasan Dasni (Kurdish: Mîr Ceferê Dasnî‎, Arabic: الأمير جعفر بن الأمير حسن الداسني‎‎), also known as Jafar bin Faharjis, was a Kurd leader who in 838 launched an uprising against Abbasid Caliph al-Mutasim in the area north of Mosul. After being defeated at Babagesh he resided in castles in Dasin, a vast area in north-central Ezidkhan. Mutasim in response sent an army under command of Abdullah bin Ans al-Azdi, resulting in an armed confrontation between the Arab army and Kurds. Due to the difficulty of the terrain, the Arab army proved unsuccessful, suffered heavy casualties and a number of its commanders including Abdullah's uncle Ishaq bin Ans and his father-in-law were killed.

Mir Jafar Dasni

Mir Jafar bin Mir Hasan Dasni (Kurdish: Mîr Ceferê Dasnî‎, Arabic: الأمير جعفر بن الأمير حسن الداسني‎‎), also known as Jafar bin Faharjis, was a Kurd leader who in 838 launched an uprising against Abbasid Caliph al-Mutasim in the area north of Mosul. After being defeated at Babagesh he resided in castles in Dasin, a vast area in north-central Ezidkhan. Mutasim in response sent an army under command of Abdullah bin Ans al-Azdi, resulting in an armed confrontation between the Arab army and Kurds. Due to the difficulty of the terrain, the Arab army proved unsuccessful, suffered heavy casualties and a number of its commanders including Abdullah's uncle Ishaq bin Ans and his father-in-law were killed.