Miss Teen USA 2004

Miss Teen USA 2004, the 22nd Miss Teen USA pageant, was televised live from Palm Springs on 6 August 2004. At the conclusion of the final competition, Miss Louisiana Teen USA Shelley Hennig was crowned by outgoing queen Tami Farrell of Oregon. Prior to the live telecast, the 51 contestants competed in a preliminary presentation show where they were judged in swimsuits and evening gowns. Scores from this judging determined the top 15 for the final competition. All the delegates were first required to win their state pageant, which in some states also meant holding a local title.

Miss Teen USA 2004

Miss Teen USA 2004, the 22nd Miss Teen USA pageant, was televised live from Palm Springs on 6 August 2004. At the conclusion of the final competition, Miss Louisiana Teen USA Shelley Hennig was crowned by outgoing queen Tami Farrell of Oregon. Prior to the live telecast, the 51 contestants competed in a preliminary presentation show where they were judged in swimsuits and evening gowns. Scores from this judging determined the top 15 for the final competition. All the delegates were first required to win their state pageant, which in some states also meant holding a local title.