Mole's Christmas

Mole's Christmas (also known as The Wind in the Willows: Mole's Christmas) is a 30-minute animated film shot in 1994. The voices involved are Richard Briers (Rat), Peter Davison (Mole) and Ellie Beaven (Young Girl) with Imelda Staunton. Directed by Martin Gates, it is based on Kenneth Grahame's novel and is part of the Wind in the Willows series. The 30-minute programme is the most exported UK-made TV show for the period between 1993–2003 and has been seen in 213 countries.

Mole's Christmas

Mole's Christmas (also known as The Wind in the Willows: Mole's Christmas) is a 30-minute animated film shot in 1994. The voices involved are Richard Briers (Rat), Peter Davison (Mole) and Ellie Beaven (Young Girl) with Imelda Staunton. Directed by Martin Gates, it is based on Kenneth Grahame's novel and is part of the Wind in the Willows series. The 30-minute programme is the most exported UK-made TV show for the period between 1993–2003 and has been seen in 213 countries.