Monégasque franc

The franc (ISO 4217: MCF) was the official currency of the Principality of Monaco until 2002 (de facto, 1999 de jure), when it changed to the euro. The franc was subdivided into 100 centimes or 10 décimes. The Monégasque franc circulated alongside the French franc with the same value. Like the French franc, the Monégasque franc was revalued in 1960 at a rate of 100 old francs = 1 new franc. The official euro-to-franc exchange rate was MCF 6.55957 to EUR 1. The Monégasque franc was legal tender in Monaco, France and Andorra.

Monégasque franc

The franc (ISO 4217: MCF) was the official currency of the Principality of Monaco until 2002 (de facto, 1999 de jure), when it changed to the euro. The franc was subdivided into 100 centimes or 10 décimes. The Monégasque franc circulated alongside the French franc with the same value. Like the French franc, the Monégasque franc was revalued in 1960 at a rate of 100 old francs = 1 new franc. The official euro-to-franc exchange rate was MCF 6.55957 to EUR 1. The Monégasque franc was legal tender in Monaco, France and Andorra.