Mortier 120mm Rayé Tracté Modèle F1

The MO-120 RT-61 (factory designator) or MO-120-RT is a heavy mortar of French origin. It was designed by Thomson-Brandt as the successor to the MO-120 AM-50. The RT in the designator stands for rayé, tracté, which means rifled, towed. The mortars, which originally equipped infantry regiments, have now all been transferred to the artillery regiments, where they augment the 155 mm towed artillery. Currently, there are eight 120 mm mortars assigned to each French Régiment d'Artillerie - although they are not deployed during peacetime.

Mortier 120mm Rayé Tracté Modèle F1

The MO-120 RT-61 (factory designator) or MO-120-RT is a heavy mortar of French origin. It was designed by Thomson-Brandt as the successor to the MO-120 AM-50. The RT in the designator stands for rayé, tracté, which means rifled, towed. The mortars, which originally equipped infantry regiments, have now all been transferred to the artillery regiments, where they augment the 155 mm towed artillery. Currently, there are eight 120 mm mortars assigned to each French Régiment d'Artillerie - although they are not deployed during peacetime.