Most probable use

The most probable use of a property is determined in the marketplace by the resolution of conflicting forces. Most probable use is similar to another model called, highest and best use. This earlier model did not recognize the conflict between forces, different values among the marketplace players, nor significant roles for uncertainty nor for the subjectivity of the observer. (1) space users (consumers); (2) space producers (suppliers); and Comparison To Highest & Best Use Plain meaning of the Terms

Most probable use

The most probable use of a property is determined in the marketplace by the resolution of conflicting forces. Most probable use is similar to another model called, highest and best use. This earlier model did not recognize the conflict between forces, different values among the marketplace players, nor significant roles for uncertainty nor for the subjectivity of the observer. (1) space users (consumers); (2) space producers (suppliers); and Comparison To Highest & Best Use Plain meaning of the Terms