Mount Saint Catherine (Grenada)

Mount Saint Catherine is a stratovolcano and the highest mountain on the Caribbean island of Grenada. It is located in St. Mark's, Victoria. It is the youngest of five volcanoes which comprise the island. The volcano has a horseshoe-shaped crater open to the east, with several lava domes within it. There are two approaches to the top, both somewhat strenuous. The most maintained trail is from the eastern side, outside of Grenville. Tours from Victoria are also available, as are guides to Tufton Hall Waterfall, the largest waterfall on the island, halfway between Victoria and St. Catherine.

Mount Saint Catherine (Grenada)

Mount Saint Catherine is a stratovolcano and the highest mountain on the Caribbean island of Grenada. It is located in St. Mark's, Victoria. It is the youngest of five volcanoes which comprise the island. The volcano has a horseshoe-shaped crater open to the east, with several lava domes within it. There are two approaches to the top, both somewhat strenuous. The most maintained trail is from the eastern side, outside of Grenville. Tours from Victoria are also available, as are guides to Tufton Hall Waterfall, the largest waterfall on the island, halfway between Victoria and St. Catherine.