Muranga County

Murang'a County is one of the counties of Kenya's former Central Province. Its largest town is Murang'a its capital, called Fort Hall in colonial times (before 1963). It is inhabited mainly by and is considered the home of the Kikuyu, the largest community in Kenya. The county has a population of 942,581 (2009 census). Many have traveled to Muranga to enjoy the lush foliage ( On the road to the post office the road forks leading traveler to take the road to Nyeri via Kiria-ini and beyond or the road to the Muranga Technical College. As the traveler walks along the road, an old English pub sits along the road on the right. Over the course of several years Muranga became a site for placement of Peace Corps volunteers (

Muranga County

Murang'a County is one of the counties of Kenya's former Central Province. Its largest town is Murang'a its capital, called Fort Hall in colonial times (before 1963). It is inhabited mainly by and is considered the home of the Kikuyu, the largest community in Kenya. The county has a population of 942,581 (2009 census). Many have traveled to Muranga to enjoy the lush foliage ( On the road to the post office the road forks leading traveler to take the road to Nyeri via Kiria-ini and beyond or the road to the Muranga Technical College. As the traveler walks along the road, an old English pub sits along the road on the right. Over the course of several years Muranga became a site for placement of Peace Corps volunteers (