NBC Sports Figure Skating

NBC Sports Figure Skating is a mobile game developed by Ziggurat Interactive and published by Abandon Mobile in 2006. This game, which was released for both Verizon Wireless and Cingular Wireless cell phones, involves making a figure skater execute moves by carefully timing the correct keypresses against a series of numbers, each associated with a particular maneuver, as the numerals scrolled along the bottom of the screen.

NBC Sports Figure Skating

NBC Sports Figure Skating is a mobile game developed by Ziggurat Interactive and published by Abandon Mobile in 2006. This game, which was released for both Verizon Wireless and Cingular Wireless cell phones, involves making a figure skater execute moves by carefully timing the correct keypresses against a series of numbers, each associated with a particular maneuver, as the numerals scrolled along the bottom of the screen.