NGC 3109

NGC 3109 is a small barred Magellanic type spiral or irregular galaxy around 4.2 Mly away in the direction of the constellation of Hydra. It is the most prominent member of a Local Group subgroup. NGC 3109 is believed to be tidally interacting with the dwarf elliptical galaxy, Antlia Dwarf. It was discovered by John Herschel on March 24, 1835 while he was in what is now South Africa.

NGC 3109

NGC 3109 is a small barred Magellanic type spiral or irregular galaxy around 4.2 Mly away in the direction of the constellation of Hydra. It is the most prominent member of a Local Group subgroup. NGC 3109 is believed to be tidally interacting with the dwarf elliptical galaxy, Antlia Dwarf. It was discovered by John Herschel on March 24, 1835 while he was in what is now South Africa.