National Action Party (Mexico)

The National Action Party (Spanish: Partido Acción Nacional, PAN), founded in 1939, is one of the three main political parties in Mexico. Since the 1980s has been an important political party winning local, state, and national elections. In 2000, PAN candidate Vicente Fox was elected for a six-year Presidential term; in 2006, PAN candidate Felipe Calderón succeeded Fox in presidency. During the period 2000-2012, both houses of the legislature had PAN pluralities, but the party did not have a majority in either house of the Congress. In the 2006 legislative elections the party won 207 out of 500 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 52 out of 128 Senators. In the 2012 Legislative Elections, the PAN won 38 seats in the Senate, and 114 seats in the Chamber of Deputies.

National Action Party (Mexico)

The National Action Party (Spanish: Partido Acción Nacional, PAN), founded in 1939, is one of the three main political parties in Mexico. Since the 1980s has been an important political party winning local, state, and national elections. In 2000, PAN candidate Vicente Fox was elected for a six-year Presidential term; in 2006, PAN candidate Felipe Calderón succeeded Fox in presidency. During the period 2000-2012, both houses of the legislature had PAN pluralities, but the party did not have a majority in either house of the Congress. In the 2006 legislative elections the party won 207 out of 500 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 52 out of 128 Senators. In the 2012 Legislative Elections, the PAN won 38 seats in the Senate, and 114 seats in the Chamber of Deputies.