National Birth Control League

The National Birth Control League was a United States organization founded in the early 20th century to promote the education and use of birth control. It was founded in 1915 by Mary Dennett, Jesse Ashley and Clara Gruening Stillman, while Margaret Sanger was in Europe, to improve birth control education and prevent legislation that would prohibit the dissemination of birth control information. It published birth control literature, drafted federal legislation, and held conferences at its Fifth Avenue headquarters. Its activities were published in the Birth Control Review.

National Birth Control League

The National Birth Control League was a United States organization founded in the early 20th century to promote the education and use of birth control. It was founded in 1915 by Mary Dennett, Jesse Ashley and Clara Gruening Stillman, while Margaret Sanger was in Europe, to improve birth control education and prevent legislation that would prohibit the dissemination of birth control information. It published birth control literature, drafted federal legislation, and held conferences at its Fifth Avenue headquarters. Its activities were published in the Birth Control Review.