Nautical Channel

Launched on 5 December 2011, Nautical Channel is the only international 24/7 nautical sports and lifestyle channel in the world. The channel caters to a local and worldwide audience and was founded by Andrew Miller and Laurence Fox Hopper. Nautical Channel is available to over 20 million subscribers in 44 countries in English, French and German. It is on over one hundred international pay TV, satellite, subscriber IpTV, mobile phone, Digital Terrestrial, MMDS and cable TV platforms.

Nautical Channel

Launched on 5 December 2011, Nautical Channel is the only international 24/7 nautical sports and lifestyle channel in the world. The channel caters to a local and worldwide audience and was founded by Andrew Miller and Laurence Fox Hopper. Nautical Channel is available to over 20 million subscribers in 44 countries in English, French and German. It is on over one hundred international pay TV, satellite, subscriber IpTV, mobile phone, Digital Terrestrial, MMDS and cable TV platforms.