Naval history of China

The naval history of China dates back thousands of years, with archives existing since the late Spring and Autumn Period (722 BC – 481 BC) about the ancient navy of China and the various ship types used in war. China was the leading maritime power in the years 1405-1433, when Chinese shipbuilders began to build massive oceangoing junks. In modern times, the current Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese governments continue to maintain standing navies with the People's Liberation Army Navy and the Republic of China Navy, respectively.

Naval history of China

The naval history of China dates back thousands of years, with archives existing since the late Spring and Autumn Period (722 BC – 481 BC) about the ancient navy of China and the various ship types used in war. China was the leading maritime power in the years 1405-1433, when Chinese shipbuilders began to build massive oceangoing junks. In modern times, the current Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese governments continue to maintain standing navies with the People's Liberation Army Navy and the Republic of China Navy, respectively.