Neacșu's letter

The letter of Neacșu of Câmpulung (Romanian: Scrisoarea lui Neacșu de la Câmpulung), (Old Romanian: Скрісѻрѣ льи дє ла Кымпȣлȣнг) written in 1521, is one of the oldest surviving documents available in Romanian that can be reliably dated. Written using Cyrillic, it was sent by Neacșu Lupu, a boyar from Câmpulung, Wallachia (now Argeș County, Romania) to Johannes Benkner, the mayor of Brassó, Kingdom of Hungary (now Brașov, Romania), warning him about the imminent attack of the Ottoman Empire on Transylvania.

Neacșu's letter

The letter of Neacșu of Câmpulung (Romanian: Scrisoarea lui Neacșu de la Câmpulung), (Old Romanian: Скрісѻрѣ льи дє ла Кымпȣлȣнг) written in 1521, is one of the oldest surviving documents available in Romanian that can be reliably dated. Written using Cyrillic, it was sent by Neacșu Lupu, a boyar from Câmpulung, Wallachia (now Argeș County, Romania) to Johannes Benkner, the mayor of Brassó, Kingdom of Hungary (now Brașov, Romania), warning him about the imminent attack of the Ottoman Empire on Transylvania.