
Tasmanian man, Tasmanian typeKiwai man, Papuan typeCentral African man, Pygmy typeSan man, Bushman typeShilluk man, Nilotic typeKhoikhoi man, Hottentot typeAeta man, Negrito typeHula man, Papuo-Melanesian type Negroid (also known as Congoid) is a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon. The term has been used by forensic and physical anthropologists to refer to individuals and populations that share certain morphological and skeletal traits that are frequent among most populations in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Tasmanian man, Tasmanian typeKiwai man, Papuan typeCentral African man, Pygmy typeSan man, Bushman typeShilluk man, Nilotic typeKhoikhoi man, Hottentot typeAeta man, Negrito typeHula man, Papuo-Melanesian type Negroid (also known as Congoid) is a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon. The term has been used by forensic and physical anthropologists to refer to individuals and populations that share certain morphological and skeletal traits that are frequent among most populations in Sub-Saharan Africa.