Neroon Kot Model United Nations

Neroon Kot Model United Nation (NKMUN) is 4-days simulation of the United Nations taking place each August. It combines three main conferences Mehran UET Model United Nation (MUETMUN), QUESTMUN and KYI (Know Your Importance). It is named as NKMUN because it reflects some historical mysteries through conferences, and educational events. At the early ages, this area was governed by one of the Sindhi ruler Neroon, from where the old name of Hyderabad was derived as Neroon Kot.

Neroon Kot Model United Nations

Neroon Kot Model United Nation (NKMUN) is 4-days simulation of the United Nations taking place each August. It combines three main conferences Mehran UET Model United Nation (MUETMUN), QUESTMUN and KYI (Know Your Importance). It is named as NKMUN because it reflects some historical mysteries through conferences, and educational events. At the early ages, this area was governed by one of the Sindhi ruler Neroon, from where the old name of Hyderabad was derived as Neroon Kot.