Netzer Hazani, Hof Aza

Netzer Hazani (Hebrew: נֵצֶר חַזָּנִי) was an Israeli settlement located in the northeast corner of the Gush Katif (a bloc of 17 Israeli settlements in the southern Gaza strip) and evacuated in Israel's disengagement of 2005. It was under the jurisdiction of Hof Aza Regional Council.

Netzer Hazani, Hof Aza

Netzer Hazani (Hebrew: נֵצֶר חַזָּנִי) was an Israeli settlement located in the northeast corner of the Gush Katif (a bloc of 17 Israeli settlements in the southern Gaza strip) and evacuated in Israel's disengagement of 2005. It was under the jurisdiction of Hof Aza Regional Council.