New In Chess

New In Chess (NIC) (OCLC 20735159) is a chess magazine that appears eight times a year with chief editors International Grandmaster Jan Timman and Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam. It contains notes by top players and chess prodigies on their own games. Typical contributions are from players such as Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Péter Lékó, Judit Polgár, Magnus Carlsen, and Sergey Karjakin.

New In Chess

New In Chess (NIC) (OCLC 20735159) is a chess magazine that appears eight times a year with chief editors International Grandmaster Jan Timman and Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam. It contains notes by top players and chess prodigies on their own games. Typical contributions are from players such as Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Péter Lékó, Judit Polgár, Magnus Carlsen, and Sergey Karjakin.