New Order (Stargate SG-1)

At Stargate Command Dr. Jackson packs for Antarctica but Dr. Weir tells him that talks over the use of the outpost have stalled again. Meanwhile, Major Carter proposes using the modified Tel'tak to get to Othala to contact the Asgard, who could help Col. O'Neill. Weir denies the request on the grounds that the modified hyperdrive was too valuable to risk losing and because there was a chance engines could burn out on the flight. However, she relents when Carter implies that she would refuse to contribute to the study of the ship.

New Order (Stargate SG-1)

At Stargate Command Dr. Jackson packs for Antarctica but Dr. Weir tells him that talks over the use of the outpost have stalled again. Meanwhile, Major Carter proposes using the modified Tel'tak to get to Othala to contact the Asgard, who could help Col. O'Neill. Weir denies the request on the grounds that the modified hyperdrive was too valuable to risk losing and because there was a chance engines could burn out on the flight. However, she relents when Carter implies that she would refuse to contribute to the study of the ship.