Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad

The Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad (Dutch: New Israelite Weekly), in short NIW, is the only Jewish weekly and the oldest functioning news magazine in the Netherlands. Founded on August 4, 1865, it has tried to inform the Jewish community on issues concerning Jews and Judaism in the Netherlands and in the world. Its headquarters is in Amstelveen. The chairman of the NIW is Jigal Markuszower and the managing editor is Elise Friedman.

Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad

The Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad (Dutch: New Israelite Weekly), in short NIW, is the only Jewish weekly and the oldest functioning news magazine in the Netherlands. Founded on August 4, 1865, it has tried to inform the Jewish community on issues concerning Jews and Judaism in the Netherlands and in the world. Its headquarters is in Amstelveen. The chairman of the NIW is Jigal Markuszower and the managing editor is Elise Friedman.