Nightclub management software

Nightclub management software (NMS) or a nightclub management system is a compiled management information system produced solely for nightclubs, such as the Ministry Of Sound, and can also be modified for bars, festivals, pubs, and live events. These systems will commonly cover the needs of nightclubs in the form of CRM, bookings, ticketing, EPOS, and administration capabilities for running the venue. With the Nightclub industry in contraction during the period of recession during 2007-2009 many nightclubs are sourcing new avenues for marketing reach expansion.

Nightclub management software

Nightclub management software (NMS) or a nightclub management system is a compiled management information system produced solely for nightclubs, such as the Ministry Of Sound, and can also be modified for bars, festivals, pubs, and live events. These systems will commonly cover the needs of nightclubs in the form of CRM, bookings, ticketing, EPOS, and administration capabilities for running the venue. With the Nightclub industry in contraction during the period of recession during 2007-2009 many nightclubs are sourcing new avenues for marketing reach expansion.