Nikhil Manipuri Mahasabha

Nikhil Manipuri Mahasabha, initially a Hindu nationalist organization, was founded in Manipur in 1934. At that time, the maharajah was its president. NMHM was opposed to the increasing foreign christian evangelistic aggression, and sought to protect the interests of Hindus in the state. The organization was modelled after the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha.

Nikhil Manipuri Mahasabha

Nikhil Manipuri Mahasabha, initially a Hindu nationalist organization, was founded in Manipur in 1934. At that time, the maharajah was its president. NMHM was opposed to the increasing foreign christian evangelistic aggression, and sought to protect the interests of Hindus in the state. The organization was modelled after the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha.