
Nimravides is a genus of extinct saber-toothed felids that lived in North America during the middle and late Miocene, between 13.6 and 4.9 Ma. Despite its scientific name, Nimravides does not belong to the Nimravidae, but is a true felid, belonging to the family Felidae. Nimravides catacopsis, one of the largest and latest species, was quite large, measuring 100 cm (1.0 m) at the shoulder and was similar in size to a large tiger. It was also possessed of long, powerful legs and a long back. For many decades, it was also believed to be a member of the genus Machairodus, but, despite the similarities between them at first glance, based on autapomorphies in the skeleton, the two animals are too different to be classified as species of the same genus, and thus, Nimravides remains separate as i


Nimravides is a genus of extinct saber-toothed felids that lived in North America during the middle and late Miocene, between 13.6 and 4.9 Ma. Despite its scientific name, Nimravides does not belong to the Nimravidae, but is a true felid, belonging to the family Felidae. Nimravides catacopsis, one of the largest and latest species, was quite large, measuring 100 cm (1.0 m) at the shoulder and was similar in size to a large tiger. It was also possessed of long, powerful legs and a long back. For many decades, it was also believed to be a member of the genus Machairodus, but, despite the similarities between them at first glance, based on autapomorphies in the skeleton, the two animals are too different to be classified as species of the same genus, and thus, Nimravides remains separate as i