Nine maidens (mythology)

Many cultures around the world have stories about groups of nine women. In Great Britain they occur in a variety of situations. In Scotland there are references to Nine Maidens, purportedly a group of, and there were a number of wells dedicated to them, but like all similar groupings would appear to have had their origin in pre-Christian times. In Arthurian material, the best known of these groups are Morgan and her sisters who live on the Isle of Avalon and are both seeresses and healers. It is in this latter aspect that they appear after Arthur’s last battle at Camlann, taking the grievously injured ‘king’ off to their island home. Another group occur in the Welsh tale of Peredur son of Efrawg, and these are the armed witches of Caer Lyow. Also in Welsh mythology, we have nine maidens wh

Nine maidens (mythology)

Many cultures around the world have stories about groups of nine women. In Great Britain they occur in a variety of situations. In Scotland there are references to Nine Maidens, purportedly a group of, and there were a number of wells dedicated to them, but like all similar groupings would appear to have had their origin in pre-Christian times. In Arthurian material, the best known of these groups are Morgan and her sisters who live on the Isle of Avalon and are both seeresses and healers. It is in this latter aspect that they appear after Arthur’s last battle at Camlann, taking the grievously injured ‘king’ off to their island home. Another group occur in the Welsh tale of Peredur son of Efrawg, and these are the armed witches of Caer Lyow. Also in Welsh mythology, we have nine maidens wh