
The Nuk-luk ("nook-luck"; "Man of the Bush") is a cryptozoological hominid reported in the Nahanni National Park Reserve near Nahanni Butte, Northwest Territories, Canada, between April and June 1964, by John Baptist, several men, and a boy named Jerry. Several Dene from Fort Liard who were trapping at a river reportedly came upon the creature in April 1964. It appeared strong-looking, and appeared to have a long, dark beard, wore no clothes, and was 5 ft (1.5 m) tall.


The Nuk-luk ("nook-luck"; "Man of the Bush") is a cryptozoological hominid reported in the Nahanni National Park Reserve near Nahanni Butte, Northwest Territories, Canada, between April and June 1964, by John Baptist, several men, and a boy named Jerry. Several Dene from Fort Liard who were trapping at a river reportedly came upon the creature in April 1964. It appeared strong-looking, and appeared to have a long, dark beard, wore no clothes, and was 5 ft (1.5 m) tall.