Nupe language

Nupe language is spoken primarily by the Nupe people (Nufawa, Nupeci, Nupecidji, Nupenchi, Nupencizi) of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria; its geographical distribution is limited to the west-central portion of this region and maintains pre-eminence in Niger State. Nupe Language is a tonal language, a common trait of most African languages which use all sorts of speeches for effective and efficient communication. The speeches come in form of egankogi (parable), gangba (warning), egancin (idiom), ecingi (riddle/tales), eganmagan (proverb).

Nupe language

Nupe language is spoken primarily by the Nupe people (Nufawa, Nupeci, Nupecidji, Nupenchi, Nupencizi) of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria; its geographical distribution is limited to the west-central portion of this region and maintains pre-eminence in Niger State. Nupe Language is a tonal language, a common trait of most African languages which use all sorts of speeches for effective and efficient communication. The speeches come in form of egankogi (parable), gangba (warning), egancin (idiom), ecingi (riddle/tales), eganmagan (proverb).