Nuxalk language

Nuxalk /ˈnuːhɒlk/, also known as Bella Coola /ˈbɛlə ˈkuːlə/, is a Salishan language spoken by the Nuxalk people. Today it is spoken only in the vicinity of the Canadian town of Bella Coola, British Columbia by perhaps 20 elderly people. While the language is still sometimes called Bella Coola by linguists, the native name Nuxalk is preferred by some, notably by the Nuxalk Nation government.

Nuxalk language

Nuxalk /ˈnuːhɒlk/, also known as Bella Coola /ˈbɛlə ˈkuːlə/, is a Salishan language spoken by the Nuxalk people. Today it is spoken only in the vicinity of the Canadian town of Bella Coola, British Columbia by perhaps 20 elderly people. While the language is still sometimes called Bella Coola by linguists, the native name Nuxalk is preferred by some, notably by the Nuxalk Nation government.