ORT Israel

ORT Israel is a non-government organization devoted to education in Israel. "ORT Israel" (ORT is an acronym of the Russian Общество Ремесленного Труда – "Association for Vocational Crafts") is the largest educational network in Israel for science and technology education and has been operating in Israel since 1949 as a public benefit company.The network operates some 210 educational institutions including engineering colleges, middle and high schools, and one elementary school, in over 55 local authorities.Some 100,000 students attend ORT Israel schools and colleges and, to date, the network has trained some 600,000 graduates. Its students come from all sectors and populations in Israeli society.

ORT Israel

ORT Israel is a non-government organization devoted to education in Israel. "ORT Israel" (ORT is an acronym of the Russian Общество Ремесленного Труда – "Association for Vocational Crafts") is the largest educational network in Israel for science and technology education and has been operating in Israel since 1949 as a public benefit company.The network operates some 210 educational institutions including engineering colleges, middle and high schools, and one elementary school, in over 55 local authorities.Some 100,000 students attend ORT Israel schools and colleges and, to date, the network has trained some 600,000 graduates. Its students come from all sectors and populations in Israeli society.