
Obersturmmann was a paramiltiary rank of the NSDAP which existed from 1931 to 1945. Translated as "Senior Storm Trooper", the rank of Obersturmmann was considered the equivalent of a Private First Class. The rank of Obersturmmann can trace its origins to World War I where the position was held by low level non-commissioned officers who served as fire team leaders in Storm trooper companies.


Obersturmmann was a paramiltiary rank of the NSDAP which existed from 1931 to 1945. Translated as "Senior Storm Trooper", the rank of Obersturmmann was considered the equivalent of a Private First Class. The rank of Obersturmmann can trace its origins to World War I where the position was held by low level non-commissioned officers who served as fire team leaders in Storm trooper companies.