Old House, Pirot

The Old House is the house of Hristić family which is located at Nikole Pašića 49, Tijabara, Pirot, built in 1848. and in 1953. it was protected by the state of Serbia, and in 1979 it becomes the monument of culture of exceptional Importance of Serbia. After that Old house became a museum. It represents the best preserved monument of traditional architecture from the mid-19th century in Pirot. It belonged to a respectable trader Hrista Jovanović.

Old House, Pirot

The Old House is the house of Hristić family which is located at Nikole Pašića 49, Tijabara, Pirot, built in 1848. and in 1953. it was protected by the state of Serbia, and in 1979 it becomes the monument of culture of exceptional Importance of Serbia. After that Old house became a museum. It represents the best preserved monument of traditional architecture from the mid-19th century in Pirot. It belonged to a respectable trader Hrista Jovanović.