Olmeca Tequila

Olmeca Tequila is a tequila produced in Jalisco, Mexico. Olmeca is owned by the Pernod Ricard Group. There are three tequilas in the Olmeca family: Olmeca, Olmeca Altos and Olmeca Tezón - all of which contain Tahona Liquid. Olmeca was launched in 1967 and now has a presence in 80 countries worldwide. Olmeca is a mix of Tequila. Olmeca Altos 100% Agave Tequila was launched in November 2009. Olmeca Tezón is a 100% Agave, 100% Tahona Liquid Tequila.

Olmeca Tequila

Olmeca Tequila is a tequila produced in Jalisco, Mexico. Olmeca is owned by the Pernod Ricard Group. There are three tequilas in the Olmeca family: Olmeca, Olmeca Altos and Olmeca Tezón - all of which contain Tahona Liquid. Olmeca was launched in 1967 and now has a presence in 80 countries worldwide. Olmeca is a mix of Tequila. Olmeca Altos 100% Agave Tequila was launched in November 2009. Olmeca Tezón is a 100% Agave, 100% Tahona Liquid Tequila.